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Speed clones- It isn't 100% known how it works, but it appears to be similar to making speed clothing. Vibrating- some speedsters can vibrate their own molecules fast enough to go through solid matter, either cleanly, or causing the molecules they traveled through to explode. It isn't known if Bart's ability to recall any and everything he has read at super speed is a natural ability, or one due to the way his body interacted with the universe and speed force during the beginning of his life (during the first few years of his life he had to be hooked up to a machine to teach him at super speed because he was born with a connection to the speed force that made him age at a super rate (approximately 6 times the normal rate).Ĭonnection's to the speed force also sometimes would allow seemingly non speed based powers to be observed, some which have connections to speed, others which are unknown (the list below also includes some extra obvious speed based powers) The Speed Force also allows learning at super speeds, although outside of one individual (Bart Allen) the speedster will forget what they have learned at super speed. Speed Force clothing is heavily resistant to to the point that when Wally used speed clothes I can only remember them becoming ripped on rare occasions. The Speed Force can also generate clothing, although it appears this requires the speedster to be aware of it, and 'generate' them himself using the 'speed energy'. The Speed Force regulates and protects the body of speedsters keeping them at their natural states when 'speeded up' (breathing, keeping their body from breaking down due to fatigue chemicals the body naturally exerts, keeping the body from shattering due to mass changes, keeping their ability to perceive noises and see things), although this isn't universal, speedsters have been known to get extremely hungry from exertion due to speed, and also tired, so the effect isn't 100% consistent. With a proper connection to the Speed Force a speedster can travel at speeds not possible any other way (other ways will be explained later). At times it has been suggested that ANY movement in DC is built off a connection the speed force, and that speedsters simply connect to it better, this has been proven wrong simply by seeing the speed force be gone at times, or connections to the speed force be improved or worsened due to stimuli and other things that by all logic probably could not regulate it. The Speed Force, as normally known in the DC Universe- An energy field that permeates the DC Universe and is more then likely a natural part of nature, like gravity.

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The Speed Force- The speed force has multiple explanations and is often a deus ex machina used to explain away problems with speed, so let's start with what the speed force has been and has done at different times. Here is an explanation on super-speed in the DC Universe (based on my own knowledge, so of course thing's may be missing or wrong, but I will cover as much as I can.)

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Super-speed in the DC Universe is often vaguely defined, and is most often known to be a side effect of the speed force, this isn't always the case though. First Fictional Concepts EXPLAINED! will describe how super speed works in the DC Universe.

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